Scene one has been created!!

This scene is a 3D image produced in 3ds max; it has been created for my month March.
The picture depicts a pond with rocks around the edge, a water lily is in the center of the scene and there are daffodils and other yellow flowers in the background. I have added some green plants to fatten out the scene. The main effect was the water which in my option adds a very nice effect to the overall picture. In the next few paragraphs I will try to explain how the image was created.

The daffodil has been created from a line drawing then I lathed it to create a bulb like feature, I had to set the pivot point first to get the lathe I had wanted. Then I edited poly and went about molding the lathed line in to the perfect bulb for my daffodils, as you can see by the result below.

Then I repeat the whole process to make the petals for my flowers and the leaves for their stems only instead of lathe modifier, I use the extrude modifier, this makes my 2d object a 3d one.

Once one petal has been made I use a bend and twist modifier to create the right shape then all that is left is to clone the petal and arrange in nice way. I repeat process for leaves and stem then put all objects together to see how they look.

I repeat the process again for a different kind of flower; I liked the daisy shape so I made one like a daisy. And it was pretty simple to make, so why do anything to complex.

The flowers have been created, we now needed a water lily or two and another flower for that these were easily created too. I created a cylinder and adjusted the slice on it to ten degrees. Then I edited in poly mode and deleted one of its sides added a noise modifier to warp its shape a bit. Mesh smoothed it to add a nice effect and came up with a water lily pad shape. Then cloned the result three times and arranged in a nice way.

To create the lily flower I re-used the daisy petal but instead of arranging petals like daisy arranged them in different way, it worked rather well as you can see.

The palm leaves you can see in my picture, were used to fatten the scene out, they were originally thought up to be ferns but alas something along the way went pear shaped and palms were created. I wanted foliage to fill out the scene but I dint know where to start so I searched Google for planets and tried my hand at creating some. I made a thin plane triangle shape to produce a tip and another rectangular for a leaf and then started to arrange them into a position that looked plant shaped here’s what I came up with.

Having no ideas to reference your object with can cause problems to a beginner, when starting an object just be patient and try to cover all angles. When I persevered it started to take shape so I kept working on it:

Now some rocks were needed for the pond scene so I set about making some. This was a pretty easy object to create, all one needs to do I create a shape like a box, then select its vertices and push and pull it into a required shape. Remember to give your box many segments to have full manipulative control.

Finally for the water effect I followed this tutorial here:

Lastly the objects were placed around the water plane the rocks were given a texture. And the camera was placed from the lily’s point of view, this way the scene captures the reflections very well.

So there you have it, one simple scene for March and it contains some of the plant objects I had wanted to do from the start, and a very nice water effect.

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